Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am a very phonetic teacher when I am teaching reading.  Throughout the year, I will be telling your child silly little stories to help them remember some of the most common phonics rules in our language.  Of course, with our conglomerated language, the rules do not always apply.  We call those the rule breakers,  just like we sometimes break the rules.  I will try to share these stories with you throughout the year.  Here is one of the stories I introduced just this week.  They especially love this one!

"ow" and "ou" Phonics Story

"W" and "U" are bad bullies!  They are especially mean to "O".  When they stand behind her in line, they like to pinch her.  When "W" or "U" does this, "O" says "ow!!!! That hurt!!!"  Therefore, the words:  now   cow   cloud   loud   out   pow   town

However, sometimes the teacher really has her eye on "W" and "U" so then they know they better not bully or they will get in trouble, so they just act nice to "O" and tell her to say her name.  Therefore, the words:  snow    blow    crow   soul   bowl   grow

When reading with your child, use these stories to help them sound out the words they don't know.  I always tell them to look for the rules, then apply the rules, make the sounds, and put them together into a word.  This may seem slow and laborious at first, but with practice they will become quick at seeing the rules and applying them. 

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