Monday, October 14, 2013

Week of October 14th

We had another great week!  It was very busy with our Fall Field Trip, which thankfully we had good weather for, and Apple Centers.  We had a lot of fun with both!

Hope you are enjoying Columbus Day with your child!  I am looking forward to another great week full of learning.  We will be talking a little more about autumn and then we will start into our unit on transportation.  We will focus on the science of movement, shapes, and some important vocabulary words:  transportation, vehicles, motion, friction, gravity.  

We are working on composing and decomposing numbers in math and will be working on shape recognition, both 2D and 3D.  A great little game we are playing in class that you can play with your child is a game we call Bunny Ears.  They hold their hands above their heads with zero fingers up.  You name a number and they are to hold up that many fingers, hopefully without having to look.  It is kind of cute to watch them try so hard to not look! :)  It is okay if they do!  They are practicing a great skill and will eventually become so proficient at it that they will hardly have to think about it.  We discuss that their are different ways to make a number.  For example:  if the number is 5, they can hold up 0 and 5 or 1 and 4 or 2 and 3.  Any help with this skill at home will build their confidence.  Remember to always make it fun and praise their accomplishments!  :)

I have started testing for their first kindergarten report card.  The quarter ends on October 25th.  The most important items we are testing this quarter are letter and numeral recognition and the sounds of each letter.  You will be receiving a note soon with a time for conferences.  Please let me know as soon as possible if the time works for you.  Also, let me know if you plan to be out of town the 6th through the 8th.  I will be happy to do a before or after conference with you.  

Have a great week!
Ms. Strong

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